Training on Intellectual Property Law


The objective of this course in intellectual property law is to encourage the creativity of the human mind for the benefit of all and to ensure that the benefits arising from exploiting a creation benefit the creator. The fundamental purpose of property rights, and their fundamental accomplishment, is that they eliminate destructive competition for control of economic resources. Well-defined and well-protected property rights replace competition by violence with competition by peaceful means. The main objective of IPR is to create public awareness about the benefits of intellectual property among all sections of society.

Target Audience

Law Graduate Students, BBA- LLB Students, Management Scalars, Secretarial Assistant, Legal Consultant Entrepreneurs, BTech Graduates/Engineers, Patent Examiners etc.

Duration of Course

12 weeks

Credit Weight

3 Credits


Certificate will be provided upon completion of the training course. This includes a training certificate, an internship certificate, and a project report.

Course is helpful in Career Positions

Every work of intellectual property contains certain creative elements. If you're a creative or intellectual person, the proximity to art, invention, and literature may appeal to you. As things stand now, the two horsemen of IP law are technology and media.

Emerging technologies such as solar, 5G, biotech, automated transportation, e-commerce, fintech, and food technology are driving significant growth in the technology sector. For the past ten years, media has been the fastest growing industry on the planet, and it is expected to continue to develop rapidly in the future, thanks to the ubiquitous Smartphone and internet connection. Both of these industries rely heavily on intellectual property. Not only do these businesses generate a lot of work in terms of patent, copyright, and trademark registration, but they also generate a lot of work in terms of licensing, franchising, IP assignment, IP prosecution, and IP enforcement around the world. So, students inclined towards arenas like these are in a win-win situation!

  • Patent Agent
  • Patent Attorney
  • Trademark Attorney
  • IP Manager
  • IP Solicitor
  • IP Analyst
  • General Counsel
  • Legal Assistant in the field of IPR
  • Practicing as a IPR consultants
  • Legal Advisers in the field of doing intellectual works
  • Trademark Trainee
  • Legal Associate
  • Corporate Drafting
  • Business affairs councils

Module - 1

Unit 1
  • Concept and forms of property
  • Idea, evolution and objectives of Intellectual property (IP)
Unit 2
  • Philosophical and economic rationale of IP
  • Kinds of IP
Unit 3
  • International Regime – Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883
  • The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886
Unit 4
  • Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers,
  • - Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, 1961
  • Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970
  • TRIPS Agreement, 1995
Unit 5
  • World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Indian offices and the administrative structure

Module - 2

Unit 1
  • Patent: History- Bakshi Teg Chand and Ayyangar Committee Report
  • Introduction to the Patents Act, 1970
  • Understanding invention; rights
  • Subject matter and criteria for protection
  • Registration
Unit 2
  • Licenses
  • Compulsory Licenses
  • Patenting of genes and life forms
  • Issues related to access to medicine
  • Doha Declaration
  • Bolar Exemption
  • Infringement and Remedies
Unit 3
  • Design: rationale of protecting designs
  • Introduction to the Designs Act, 2000- definition, subject matter and criteria for protection
  • Subject matter and criteria for protection
  • Rights; registration; infringement and remedies
Unit 4
  • Key features of the Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Design Act, 2000.

Module - 3

Unit 1
  • Trademark : evolution of the trademark law- from 1958 to the Trade Marks Act, 1999 Supporting Documents(Evidence of expenses)
  • Difference between mark and trademark;
  • Rights of the trademark holder;
  • Grounds of refusal
  • Registration
  • Passing off
  • Domain name disputes
  • Infringement and remedies
Unit 2
  • Geographical Indication: introduction to the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
  • Subject matter and criteria for protection
  • Registration
  • Duration
Unit 3
  • Infringement and remedies,
  • Case study- Darjeeling Tea

Module - 4

Unit 1
  • Basic concepts- originality
  • Fixation
  • ) Idea and expression
Unit 2
  • Subject matter and definitions in the Copyright Act, 1957
  • Rights
  • Neighbouring Rights
  • Overlap with Design
  • Infringement & Remedies
Unit 3
  • Section 52 exemptions
  • Licensing- voluntary, compulsory and statutory
Unit 4
  • Copyright Societies
  • Protection in the digital world

Module - 5 (Other Important Aspects of IP )

Unit 1
  • Biodiversity
  • Microorganisms
  • Plant varieties and farmers rights
Unit 2
  • Traditional knowledge
  • Trade secrets and data protection
  • 3D Printing and block chain; artificial intelligence
Unit 3
  • Social Utility
  • Public interest and the question of development

Course Features

  • 12 Weeks
  • 3 Credits
  • Certificate After Completion
  • Course Fee:Rs. 1000/- + Tax
  • Lifetime Access
  • Interactive Doubt Resolution
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