Spoken English - Beginner's Guide


Mastering fluent English is a valuable advantage in today's globalized world, providing access to numerous opportunities. Whether you are striving for personal development, academic achievement, or professional progress, proficient communication in English is crucial. This comprehensive spoken English course aims to assist you in honing your language skills, refining your communication abilities, and fostering the confidence to thrive in a variety of contexts.

Target Audience

This course is designed for PUC students, graduates, post-graduates, and professionals who want to improve their English proficiency. It focuses on the particular challenges that young adults and early - career professionals encounter when trying to strengthen their language skills.

Duration of Course

8 weeks

Credit Weight

2 Credits


Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate recognizing their proficiency in spoken English.

Career Advancement

This course is especially useful for graduates and postgraduates who are looking for entry-level positions. It is designed to provide you with the language skills and interview confidence necessary to take advantage of career opportunities in different fields. It will empower you to make a strong first impression and progress in your chosen career path.

Module - 1   Introduction and Basic Grammar

Unit 1 : Introduction and Course Overview
  • Introduction of Course
  • Importance of Spoken English
  • Sound of English Alphabet
Unit 2 : Parts of Speech
  • Nouns and Pronouns
  • Verbs and Adjectives
  • Adverbs and Prepositions
  • Conjunctions and Interjections
  • Articles (a, an, the)
  • Assignment
Unit 3 : Sentence Structure and Formation
  • Sentence Structure (subject, verb, object)
  • Types of Sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory)
  • Combining Sentences (compound and complex sentences)
  • Common Sentence Patterns
  • Assignment

Module - 2   Tenses and Verbs

Unit 1 : Tenses
  • Present Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
  • Past Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
  • Future Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
  • Assignments
Unit 2 : Modals and Helping Verbs
  • Helping verbs (is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, had)
  • Modals (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must)
  • Assignments

Module - 3   Vocabulary Building and Idioms

Unit 1 : Vocabulary Building
  • Common vocabulary for everyday use
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Word families and word formation
  • Assignments
Unit 2 : Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Slang
  • Idioms, Phrases, and Proverb
  • Introduction to phrasal verbs
  • Common phrasal verbs and their meanings
  • Introduction to slang
  • Using slang appropriately
  • Assignments

Module - 4   Communication Skills

Unit 1 : Conversations and Role Play
  • Greetings and introductions (Informal)
  • Small talk and polite expressions
  • Asking and giving directions
  • Making requests and offering help
Unit 2 : Letter and Email Writing
  • Parts of a letter
  • Formal vs. Informal letters
  • Writing formal letters (application, complaint, request)
  • Email Etiquette
  • Writing professional and casual emails
  • Assignments

Module - 5   Review and Assessment

Unit 1 : Review and Final Assessment
  • Review of all topics covered
  • Final Assessment (written and oral)
  • Feedback Sessions
  • Course Review and Wrap-up

Learning Management System (LMS) Panel:

Course Features

Course Features

  • Duration 8 Weeks
  • Credit Weight 2 Credits
  • Certificate After Completion Yes
  • Course Fee with GST Rs. 2949/-
  • Lifetime Access Yes
  • Language English, Hindi