VidyaBridge aims to empower the next generation of professionals for global markets. We offer training in various fields including Accounts & Finance, IT, Foreign Languages, Industrial Training, Internships and many more. Our programs cater to beginners, intermediate, and expert levels, equipping students with the skills and confidence needed for career success.

VidyaBridge focuses on various categories of courses such as Accounts & Finance, Information Technology, Foreign Languages, Industrial Training, Internships, Minor Project and many more.

All Courses offered by VidyaBridge are designed is such a way that one can get the exposure towards the working environment of the industries globally as well as opportunities for skill development tailored to industry demands.

Step-1   Open you Web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft edge etc.)

Step-2   Type website address i.e. and press enter key (VidyaBridge website will be open on your screen)

Step-3   After reaching at website on right hand side click on Login menu and choose learner option to navigate to login page or you can also directly type which will navigate you to VidyaBridge Login Page

Step-4   Please enter the username and password that were provided in the email sent to your registered email address during the registration process.

Step-1   Open your web browser and go to the VidyaBridge website.

Step-2   Look for the registration option in the toolbar/menu of the website.

Step-3   Once on the registration page, choose the option for learners.

Step-4   Depending on whether you are from a college, university, or an individual, select the appropriate category:

  • If you're from a college, click on the “College” option.
  • If you're from a university, click on the “University” option.
  • If you're an individual, click on the “Individuals” option.
  • If you’re from franchisee, click on “associate partner”.

Step-5   After selecting your category, choose your stream or field of study.

Step-6   Next, select the course name that you're interested in from the available options.

Step-7   Fill in the required details in the registration form, including:

  • Your name
  • Contact number
  • Contact number
  • Email address

Step-8   After filling in all the necessary information, click on the "Submit" button.

Step-9   You'll be redirected to the payment gateway. Choose your preferred payment method, whether UPI or e-banking, and complete the payment process.

Step-10   Once your payment is successful, you'll receive a confirmation message and a fee receipt along with the username and password in your registered email address, which you can use to log in to VidyaBridge.

You are now registered for the VidyaBridge course!

At VidyaBridge, we offer a comprehensive and dynamic learning methodology designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary for a successful career in finance, accounting, and related fields.

The key components of our learning methodology include:

  1. Well-designed Course Content: Our courses are designed to match what the job market needs today. We constantly update our material to keep it relevant and useful.
  2. Interactive Training Sessions: Our classes are interactive, meaning students participate actively, which helps them understand better and think critically.
  3. Doubt clearing and Encouragement: We create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, no matter how simple or small. This ensures they understand everything thoroughly.
  4. Quizzes and Q/A Sessions: Regular quizzes and Q&A sessions are integral to our methodology, helping to reinforce learning and assess student understanding.
  5. Hands on Practice: We bridge the gap between theory and practice through hands-on activities that simulate real-world scenarios, so students can apply what they learn directly to their future jobs.
  6. Workshops on Personality Development and Soft skills: In addition to technical knowledge, we focus on holistic student development. Our workshops on personality development and soft skills prepare students for the interpersonal and professional aspects of their careers.
  7. Industry specific Assignments and Projects: Students work on projects that reflect real industry challenges, helping them gain practical experience and problem-solving skills.
  8. Comprehensive Mentoring and Coaching: Our faculty members, who are experienced professionals and academicians, provide one-on-one mentoring and support, guiding students through their studies and helping them overcome any difficulties.
  9. Continuous Feeback: We regularly assess students and give them feedbacks, that help students to understand their strength and areas of improvement.

Upon completing a course at VidyaBridge, students receive credits based on the course duration:

  • 1 credit for a 1-month course
  • 2 credits for a 2-month course
  • 3 credits for a 3-month course
  • 4 credits for a 4-month course

These credits are reflected in the certificate, which students can directly download from the VidyaBridge portal using their ID and password. They can then submit these certificates to their educational institutions.

VidyaBridge offers a diverse range of courses designed to meet various learning and professional development needs. The eligibility criteria for the courses are as follows:

  • Students without prior professional skills in Finance and Accounting.
  • Individuals seeking careers in Finance, Accounting, Banking, Logistics, Storekeeping, and Inventory Management.
  • Professionals seeking skill enhancement for career growth.
  • Aspiring and current educators looking to improve IT skills.
  • Students and professionals aiming to improve interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Individuals preparing for interviews and wanting to enhance soft skills.
  • Those seeking to improve IT and computer skills.
  • Students and professionals wanting to learn English or other foreign languages.
  • Individuals seeking foundational IT knowledge through DIT and CCC.
  • Students and fresh graduates seeking hands-on industrial experience.
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students needing to complete minor projects.
  • Those seeking internships for practical experience.

The scope of VidyaBridge courses encompasses a broad range of subjects andskills, designed to empower students and professionals in various fields.

Training in Accounting and Finance: This course provides essential knowledge and skills in finance and accounting, which are fundamental for various career opportunities in finance, accounting, banking, and related fields. It equips students with the necessary expertise to understand financial concepts, processes, and practical applications in the industry.

Personality Development: Personality development is crucial for overall personal and professional growth. These courses help students enhance their communication skills, interpersonal skills, confidence, and leadership abilities, making them more competent and effective individuals in both personal and professional settings.

IT and Computer Training Skills: In today's digital age, proficiency in IT and computer skills is essential across all industries. These courses enable students to acquire practical skills in areas such as software applications, programming languages, data analysis, and digital literacy, thereby enhancing their employability in various sectors.

Faculty Training Program in IT Skills: This program is designed to train faculty members in IT skills, ensuring that they are equipped with the latest technological advancements and teaching methodologies. This enables them to deliver high-quality education to students, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving IT landscape.

English and Other Foreign Languages: Proficiency in languages, especially English and other foreign languages, opens up global opportunities for students. These courses help students improve their language skills, both spoken and written, facilitating better communication and career prospects in international markets.

DIT and CCC: Courses such as Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) and Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) provide specialized training in specific areas of IT, catering to the increasing demand for skilled IT professionals in various industries.

Industrial Training, Minor Project, and Internship: Practical exposure through industrial training, minor projects, and internships is invaluable for students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. These experiences provide hands-on learning, industry insights, and networking opportunities, enhancing students' readiness for the job market.

VidyaBridge offers a variety of courses designed to empower individuals for success in various professional domains. From finance and accounting to IT skills, personality development, and language skills, VidyaBridge ensures comprehensive skill development.

Through hands-on industrial training and projects, participants gain practical experience that matches with industry needs. Ultimately, in simple terms, VidyaBridge helps individuals grow personally and professionally, preparing them for success in today's job market.

VidyaBridge, an e-learning company, bridges the gap between education sector and industry, focusing on finance, accounting, IT, languages, and soft skills.

Here's how it boosts job prospects in Indian industries :

  • Courses are designed to meet industry demands.
  • Faculty offer hands-on experience and practical workshops.
  • Students receive individualized mentorship and guidance.
  • Focus on soft skills and personality development to boost employability.
  • Internship and Projects Opportunities provide real-world experience.
  • Regular assessments and feedback help students improve continuously.
  • Industry connections, networking events, and job placements help students find a job.

Step-1   Open your web browser and go to the VidyaBridge website.

Step-2   Look for the registration option in the toolbar/menu of the website.

Step-3   Once on the registration page, select the option for franchisee.

Step-4   Click on the "New Registration" button

Step-5   Complete the form with your personal details and your permanent / correspondence address.

Step-6   Fill in additional information, including GST number, PAN number, institute type, square footage area, registration number, institute contact number, bank details, and email ID.

Step-7   Click on the "Submit" button.

After submitting the details, VidyaBridge will review and verify the details. Once approved, VidyaBridge will issue a license certificate as a franchisee.

Post-Registration Process

Step-1   Students can now register for courses as an associate partner.

Step-2   Fees can be collected in two ways:

  1. Direct Payment: If students pay the course fees directly to VidyaBridge, the share will be sent to franchisee.
  2. Franchisee Collection: If franchisee collects the fees from students, then one can keep the share and send the remaining amount to VidyaBridge.

By following these steps, you can become a franchisee of VidyaBridge and start offering valuable courses to students.