Understanding Bullying : Causes


"People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten." - Demi Lovato

Bullying is a widespread societal problem that impacts people of all ages and in various settings. Its causes are influenced by a combination of personal, social, and environmental factors, each playing a unique role in contributing to this behaviour.

Causes of Bullying

1. Low Self-Esteem : People having low self-esteem mostly engage in bullying to show their power and control, and to feel better.

2. Lack of Empathy : The people with a lack of empathy bully because they may enjoy getting their way. Others may like conflict and aggression. Few may be thoughtless, rather than purposefully hurtful.

3. Social Dynamics : People want to dominate others to improve their social status. Sometimes they may be feeling angry, frustrated, jealous or struggling socially being the victim of bullying themselves.

4. Family Environment : People who bully others mostly come from broken family environments characterized by less bond, expressiveness, control, and social orientation.

Understanding these causes is crucial for developing effective strategies to prevent and address bullying in communities, schools, and workplaces. These are the factors that should be addressed comprehensively, we can foster environments that promote empathy, respect, and inclusivity, thereby reducing the prevalence and impact of bullying on individuals' lives.

  July 27, 2024   Bhavana Singh - Vidyabridge

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  • 16 Weeks
  • 4 Credits
  • Completion Certificate
  • Course Fee:Rs. 3000/- + Tax
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